Sunday, August 29, 2010

Links to SketchUp Model and Crysis Levels

Below are links to my SketchUp Model in Google Warehouse, my Crysis Levels and Objects Folders and a link to a High Quality version of my video posted on Youtube.

SketchUp Model:

Crysis Levels:

Crysis Objects:

High Quality version of my Video: Explosion and Porosity Machinima

Final Submission: Machinima Video

Here it is.. Enjoy..

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Final Submisson: Information

General Information
- There are 2 separate explosions I am testing. The first explosion has an effect scale of 0.5 while the second explosion has an effect scale of 2.
- I chose to film it at night cause it looked better and more effective.
- It was a fun experiment.

Aim for Experiment:
My aim for this experiment was fairly simple. I wanted to use explosions to blow up walls made of blocks. Each of the blocks in the wall would weigh the same but the weight wall would be different in accordance with the number on the blocks (weight in mass and density = 1). The walls were located in the Town Hall structure that we got and I wanted to see what happens to the blocks and the structure after the explosions. I was curious to see the reaction of each of the weights and the effect it would have on the environment and within the Town Hall structure.

I propose that the lighter blocks will cause the greatest effect on the structure interrupting its space, while the heavier blocks will only slightly move and have little effect.

The keys to move all the objects in my Crysis level are:
h - move the stairs.
b - to active the bomb sequence.
u - move the first platform on the ramp. j - to return it to its original position.
i - move the second platform on the ramp. k - to return it to its original position.
o - move the third platform on the ramp. l - to return it to its original position.
p - move the last platform on the ramp. (this loops around and returns to the original position.

Sample Pictures and Videos:



Landscape and Environment

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Week4 c: Description of my Machinima Documentary

From looking at today's lecture I think that for my video the best mode to use will be observational and maybe a little refelxive i'm not to sure. Observational is most obviously the best choice as I am planning to do exactly as the title implies which is to observe some explosive reactions. I really want the viewer to gain an understanding of what I am trying to achieve with this video which is to observe what happens when explosions occur near different weighted objects.

Week4 b: Sony Vegas Demo 2

Here is a second video usingSony Vegas. Again I just practise with some videos of my srysis environment. I have figured out how to fix the clitchy problems, I have to save it as a MP4 file. This will be annoying if I want save my video in HD. I'll need to research this.

Week4 a: Sony Vegas Demo

Here is my first test with Sony Vegas just mixing together a few fraps videos of my crysis environments. Its abit clitchy and jumpy. I will have to work on fixing this.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Week3 c: Creating Rain

Simple and Easy.

Week3 b: Pickable Objects

Just a few random Objects that I thought I'd make pickable.

Week3 a: Animating Time of Day

Below are a selection of image captures that I took at various times of the day in the Crysis Environment. In the last image I also experimented with putting in lights or various colours and sizes, just for effect.





Midnight + Lights:

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Week2 c: Hypothesis and Explosion

In this experiment I have placed a village house on the ground. Above the house suspended in the air are three army tanks placed at different heights. Upon entering the game the physics is enabled and the tanks fall to the ground.

Hypothesis: I propose that each of the tanks will crash through the house causing 3 explosions.

Result: As you can see the first 2 tanks crashed through the house causing it to break but it was the 3 tank that cause the explosion.

Week2 b: Adding Archetype Entities and Other Objects

Just experimenting with different types of Archetype Entities...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Week2 a: Ramps & Platforms in SketchUp and Crysis

I wanted to create and experiment with the flowgraph enities so I made the stairs 'float' in the air and move together to form a staircase on a key press. The ramp and platforms are fairly simple.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Week1 c: Landscape Development continued...

For my landscape I am trying to create a simple island feel. Experimenting with textures and landscape effects. I have also imported the town hall model and coloured it. For my video I am thinking of exploing blocks within the structure. The blocks will be different colours and weights.

Week2 d: More Test Explosions

Below are some more videos I created experimenting with physics and tornados. Once again tornado's are another cool thing that I discovered in Crysis that I didn't know existed before.

Barrel Explosion followed by a C4 Explosion..

Explosion followed by a Tornado..

A tornado destroying a few buildings..

Driving a car into a tornado..